Friday, December 4, 2009

GAH! ( warning, profanity)

Dear Tricare,

FUCK YOU!!!! ...


Okay now I feel a little better. The nearest RE that is in the insurance network is on the other side of O-fucking-hio!!!! so yeah... a little mad... but its getting better... slowly. My doc was great yesterday. NOT at all how I was worried they were going to be. Although I did feel a little like a cartoon version on an infertile chick. When I got there the only available seat that was not in like some sick guy's lap was right next to a big ole stack of parenting mags, and then when they called me back to the exam room the magazine that was in there was CONCEIVE... yeah... no kidding... I thought only RE's had that too. so yeah, mmmmmm, anyhow...

Right now they are working very hard at getting me a referral. He knows a good RE that is attached to the same hospital as he is, and he is trying very hard to get me an appointment with him.

They are writing a referral, and then it needs to go and get approved... or not... for the out of network doc. Please everyone think good thoughts for us. ( The doctor seems pretty confident that they will approve this referral, because the nearest in network doc is WAY over 70 miles away.) *sigh* Can't it just be easy? Just this once?

1 comment:

jill said...

Didnt you get the message that infertile people are not allowed to live in OH? ;)

Glad to hear your appt went well - I'll keep my fingers crossed for your referral!