Monday, December 7, 2009

3 Hours Later


A little after I posted my doctor called... He didn't know that I had called the office at all. He was calling to inform me that he had called a local RE and she said she would take me on... if I payed out of pocket... also did I mention that this RE treats people w/ massage... really just massage... NOPE... NO THANK YOU AT ALL!!! I was pissed! He said he would give me a list of about 30 REs that I could call since I was unhappy with the one he "found" ... I let him know that I had talked to office girl, and that I had already called around and found my own RE... all by myself. Then I had called office girl back and she said she would write up my referral... I gave him the RE's name and info, and he said he would speak to office girl about it and that was it... so yeah...

Then I called Tricare a couple hours later to check up... NO REFERRALS!!! GAH!!! now I know that this takes a doctor's office a minute to do, but really office girl said she was writing up my referral then. I feel like I'm being ignored and I don't like it. I might have to change doctors to be taken seriously... Why is this a ridiculous process?!! I don't think it is too much to ask!! GAH!!! Also, Dear Dr. G, Why does your office suck so much!!!????

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