Tuesday, April 20, 2010

It' a ....

BOY! :)

We had our ultrasound yesterday. Everything looked good, but Jackson is measuring 5 days behind. I'm not to concerned about it as I have no idea when I actually ovulated. The Dr. didn't change my due date though. He's going to do another ultrasound at either 26 or 28 weeks. I also have to go in on Wednesday for a glucose test. I hope I don't have the diabetus. Most everything else in this pregnancy has been pretty smooth sailing.

After my scan I went out for lunch with my MIL. She finally seemed happy about this baby. We talked about getting a rocking chair ( That's what she wants to get for the baby.) She seemed pretty happy. I'm hoping all the weirdness has been because it didn't really feel real to her, now I think since she's seen the baby it will be I hope.

Then I went shopping. I bought Jack a few really cute boy outfits, and I even found me two more tops that were 2 dollars each. I think sometime this weekend we are going to go register because Hub is itching to go pick out something cute for his little guy.

Being half way now is a really cool feeling. I can feel where Jack is in my belly, and he's starting to kick very hard. My belly is getting bigger by the day, and its very hard. I don't know why, but that really surprises me. I've gained about 7 pounds and I think its all in my belly. I can barely see my toes. The ultrasound tech broke out laughing because he kept kicking the ultrasound wand, and for awhile wouldn't stop moving. I want hub to feel a real hard kick, but they happen so fast that by the time he gets his hand on my belly Jack stops. He got to feel him rolling around in there but no kicks yet.

Well I've got to go and get started on my day. I have tons to do. Hope everyone is having a good week.


Kelli said...

Awwww...congratulations!! So glad that everything is going well (and that your MIL is on board with you). Sounds like you had a great time shopping and if your DH is anything like Mike, he will LOVE registering. :) It's quite the experience!

Fingers crossed that your GTT is normal (I'm sure it will be!). Hope you have a good week, too! Hugs!

Jill said...

Congrats on a great scan! It's so fun to be able to give him a name and pick out things for him isn't it! Enjoy!

pregnant in Manhattan said...

Yay- congratulations!

It seems like you had a lovely day of shopping and bonding with your m-i-l.

I can't wait to find out myself later this week!!!!!!!!!