Thursday, July 30, 2009

Show and Tell

Show and Tell

I've been looking at all of the posts over on Mel's blog for show and tell for awhile now. I've wanted to post one but I never got around to it.

This is my very first one.

This is my little branch of the family tree.


This is Hub. I took this picture of him on a train in the Smokey Mountains. We went on vacation there after his first deployment.


This is our first baby Ty. ( and those are my legs... ) He was still a puppy in that picture. He's a Miniature Pincher... but he thinks hes a people kid... so don't tell him. In fact that was taken in our first apartment. We had bugs bigger then him... but that's a story for another post. He's a ball of energy, that never stops moving... unless there are snacks... then he will hold still long enough to inhale them and take off bouncing again.


This is Buddy... he answers to Bubba. He's our second baby. We adopted him two years ago, but it feels like he's always been a part of our family. He's Ty's polar opposite. He is a bag of sleepy, slow wrinkles, that only moves for snacks. (We like snacks...) He's some sort of Shar Pei mix but no one seems to be able to tell us what he's mixed with. He's a bit neurotic, and scared of things that make no sense... like grass, but only after it is cut. He refuses to step on it and stays on the brick path in the yard. He's sorta like Monk in dog form. We love him anyway.


This is me. Pre-fertility drug induced weight gain... all 40 pounds of it. I'm happy to say I'm almost back there. I'm soaking up some sun outside of the lorikeet cage at Busch Gardens.

I thought it was time to introduce the main players in my blog seeing as how I've been writing this blog since January.

Head over to Mel's and see what everyone else is showing.

If anyones knows how to get your pictures to fit in the space better I would love to know. I would post many more pictures if I did . Thanks for looking!!!

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