Saturday, July 18, 2009


This year has been all about change for me. I have spent all of it so far changing my body to live a healthier life, and in turn I have changed the way I live my life. So it is fitting that this year of change comes complete with a geographical change as well.

We got orders to move to Michigan. Its a bit more complicated then that of coarse because the Navy is involved. Hub has to be in Florida mid September for training for a month and I'm going to tag along, because well beach time would be great and I don't really know what I would do with myself for a month with no apartment or home base. Then we have a whole month in limbo getting settled with a brief stop over in Great Lakes to see just where we will end up.

I've known this was coming for a few months now, but I've been avoiding thinking about it really. I wanted to wait for the orders came through to make sure, before I made any plans. I'm nervous about this move. Mostly I'm scared we will get there and I wont be able to find work, and we wont be able to find a rental house. I'm really scared to move to the crater of this recession that this country is stuck in.

I'm so scared that I haven't even mentioned this to my boss yet. I'm really bummed about leaving this job. I know its not the greatest or the best job going but, I love it. The people are great and I feel needed there. I feel awful about telling my boss that I will have to leave. I have to tell her on Wednesday. Right now I feel like there is an elephant on my chest. For the first time ever I really don't want to move. I'm glad its shore duty time and that Hub wont be going underway, really glad. I just wish I could take my whole life with me this time.

I know this is sort of an irrational fear, and that I can and will find something to do out there, but I cant help it. I might just go to school and the RE. Oh yeah, because it is shore duty, I will be heading back to the RE, as soon as I find one... if anyone knows of a good on it the Metro Detroit area and would like to share that would be great! ( Thanks!)

The next month and a half will be a count down to moving. I'll of coarse be writing about it because that's what I do. Thinking about all that I've got to do is making my head spin, somehow I will get it all done though. I always do.

Things I have to do / start doing right now:

* Start weeding out all of the junk I don't want to move, and get rid of it. ( This is going to be a big job, we have a lot of junk.)

* Tell my boss.

* Get the dogs ready to stay at my mother in law's house for about a month... with out us... ( I don't want to leave my babies!!! That's the worst part.)

This list will grow.

On a happier note, my mommy is coming to visit! : ) I'm so happy!!! She will be here for a long weekend in August. I can't wait! I miss her a lot!

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